PREDI-NU stands for "Preventing Depression and Improving Awareness through Networking in the EU". The project intended to contribute to the promotion of mental health and the prevention of depression and suicidality through information and communication technologies (ICT). It started on September 1, 2011 with a duration of 36 months.
The goal of the project was to develop an internet-based guided self-management tool for mild to moderate depression.
The self-management tool will soon be accessible on the European Mental Health website
PREDI-NU was built upon the experience of two EU-funded and internationally recognized depression and suicide prevention projects:
The evidence-based multi-level depression awareness and suicide prevention concept established through this previous work provides a solid foundation through which to develop opportunities for innovative ICT interventions.
PREDI-NU was coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hegerl (University of Leipzig, Germany) and co-coordinated by Dr. Ella Arensman (National Suicide Reserach Foundation, Ireland).
The project was funded by the European Commission in the Framework of the Health Programme - Consumer, Health and Food Executive Agency, CHAFEA (formerly EAHC - European Agenncy for Health and Consumers) - under grant agreement no. 2010 12 14 is a brand and initiative of the European Alliance Against Depression (EAAD).
The iFightDepression website and online self-management tool were co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union.