Metal Music against Depression

MΜaD (Metal Music against Depression) was formed by Nightfall and the European Alliance Against Depression to raise awareness about depression within the heavy metal community (and beyond) and reduce the stigma and ignorance associated with it. Importantly, we wish to promote discussions about depression and encourage people to seek help. We believe that knowing what to do, who can help or how to support each other can make a big difference.

We fight for peace of mind

MMaD aims to raise awareness about depression within the heavy metal community because it is one of the most common mental health conditions and is a contributing factor in almost half of suicide deaths (Han et al., 2016). MMaD is designed to provide information on depression and suicidal behaviour, present research and promote discussions about mental health within the heavy metal community. MMad is also a place where you can share your experiences, as well as hear the experiences of others. We know from research (Sunkel & Sartor, 2021) that having an opportunity to hear another person’s experience with depression can help us begin to believe that change might be possible. One of the biggest struggles of being depressed is the overwhelming feeling of isolation and loneliness.

Be part of MMAD

MMaD brings the heavy metal community together to challenge stigma and support mental health awareness. If you're a musician or part of a band, your voice can inspire change. Join us in raising awareness and supporting those who need it.

If you wish to

  • spread the word
  • would like to share your experience with depression
  • talk about how you cope with depression,

as a positive step to supporting others in the metal community, please follow us or send us a direct message for further details.

Contact us